Next, the Sports app, although not getting 3.14159265358979 updates (remember? It's Pi Day!), is still getting 3 updates in version 1.1 (its first update), specifically NCAA (men's and women's) March Madness scores, real-time updates and more, MLB scores, real-time updates and more starting at Opening Day, and finally league-sorted final scores. Apple's full release notes say: • "Ready for March Madness? Follow the Men’s and Women’s NCAA Basketball Tournaments for real-time updates.
Starting with Opening Day, go deep this MLB season with play-by-play updates, betting odds, box scores, and more for all of your favorite teams.
• Final scores are now sorted by league."
Just as a reminder, the Sports app is still only on the iPhone for now. Bye, and happy 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944 5923078164062862089986280348253421170679 (π or Pi is much shorter, thank you very much) Day!
By Leo